Monday 27 April 2009


So we have found both the best Gelateria (according to the new york times, and us), and the best restaurant (just according to us but we are right) in Rome. I have had no peace about this restaurant. Its all I hear about. Thats because it was fantastic, we decided to wander round looking for an authentic Italian Restaurant, and we found it (after leaving the first place that after we sat down gave us English Menu's with no vegetarian options). This second place had no vegetarian options for main, but for prima piatti, you chose from half a dozen options, or could simply choose from a list of different pasta's, and a list of sauces. Some of the sauces had a note next to them saying there where seasonal, and the first one I wanted to have I was out of season because it had Porcini Mushrooms (that impressed me). Then I chose a different sauce, with Gnocci (which Dani wants to tell my Mum that the waiter corrected my pronounciation of and Dani was right!), which I was told was only wednesdays (disappointing), so I changed to Ravioli, to be told by the waiter, in no uncertain terms, that I couldn't have that because it wouldn't go with the sauce I'd chosen (this impressed me, and thinking about it, rather than rushing to change my choice from Gnocci, he was right). This so far had impressed, but nothing had prepared us for what came next - the food! The most fantastic, if small (it was only meant to be a Primi Piatti), plate of pasta I have ever had. And then the most fantastic 3 cakes I'd ever had (Dani had a half portion of two, I had a whole portion on one). In short, sheer brilliance, oh, and there was graffiti all over the walls, dating back to last century, that were testament to this fact. I had a ricotta cheese and chocolate chip cheesy cakey type thing, it was fantastic! And even Scott said the tiramisu was the best he'd ever had.
I think Scotts pretty much covered the La Carbona (the restaurant) aspect of things now, so I'll talk about the ice cream. We found this amazing place called San Crispino about 2 minutes walk from the trevi fountain. They do honey ice cream - HONEY!! Which im told now is their speciality. It was undoubtedly the best ice cream ever. Rome is fantastic. And we have both put on about 20 pounds, Scott cant blame it on the baby! :D
Dani's lying, we havn't put on weight, but we have eaten fantastically, and that is despite the fact that we are yet to revisit Da Michele's. But anyway, we have done some sight seeing other than just eating. We queued for an hour and a half to find out that the Vatican Museum is closed and the Pope enjoys wasting thousands of tourists time/couldn't organise a queue to save his life. Did i also mention that scott forgot his razor and was turning into a nicely hairy tramp, I made him buy a new one and shave which i am relieved to say he has now done. :)
We went wine tasting in perugia (I cant remember if we've talked about this) which was awesome, and then found some of the wines we tasted at the restaurant last night! This morning we got up at 5am and went to the trevi at for dawn, its just like at dusk, but minus all the tourists, and you see the lights switch off instead of on. We were the only ones there for the majority of the time and have videos to prove it!! I know you'll never believe we got up at 5!
Yesterday we went to the colosseum and the forum, because its romes birthday week its free entry to all the museums, so the guided tours are really cheap too. We had a really good one and Scott's decided he'd quite like to become a gladiator. We've had lovely weather, been to the borghese gardens and lay around a lot. Hired one of those cart things that you pedal with 4 wheels, Scott says its a rickshaw but someone pulls you on that so i dont think it is. Which i kept forgetting to pedal and scott took us round a roundabout (ON A ROAD WITH CARS AND BIG GINOURMOUS COACHES!!) I wanted to say another word here but scott wont let me. We need to get going now, off to catch a train to Naples.
Lots of love to you all, Scott, Dani and Bump.

Song of the Moment: Happy Birthday to You (for my Mum nothing to do with our travels!)


  1. No wonder Rome feels so much like home - we share the same birthday week! Thanks for the Song of the Moment dedication guys.
    It sounds to me that you might both look 6 months pregnant by the time you get home!!

  2. I think we look more like 7 to be honest...
